Weight Loss and Women’s Health

Does weight loss feel impossible? Perhaps you’ve gained weight for what feels like no reason, or simply cannot shift a single pound. There are hundreds of videos you can watch and hundreds of blog post you can read on that one thing or a magic formula to lose weight successfully. But for women, I really stand by the fact that we need these THREE things present for successful weight loss or to resolve weight loss resistance.

1). Healthy cortisol function 

2). Healthy insulin levels and blood sugar regulation

3). Healthy caloric deficit 

More often than not, I see too much focus on one of these things, without consideration for the other two. We push push push the calorie equation without considering our blood sugar levels or stress, OR we completely disregard energy consumed completely. Weight loss for women is just more complicated than that.

We need all three for success, especially when there is an underlying issue present - think PCOS weight loss, perimenopause weight gain or a thyroid problem presenting weight loss resistance.  

Here are a few starting points that I consider when tackling women’s weight loss in my clinic.

Cortisol and Stress 

  • Taking a good look at all areas of your life and seeing what needs some work.

  • Ensuring your body is calm and safe.

  • Adaptogens, breath work and sleep. 

  • This can, in some cases, mean feeding your body more! 

Insulin and Blood Sugar

  • You’re keeping your blood sugar levels in check and thus, insulin, involved in fat storage follows.

  • Protein, fat and fibre in all your meals - then your complex carb.

  • Avoiding refined sugars and grains.

  • Sleeping well and weight lifting. 

Caloric Density 

  • This doesn’t necessarily mean tracking every calorie religiously. You can if you want to and it can be a good way to keep an eye on things (including protein!), but if it feels daunting then simply stick with the below.

  • Consider your portion sizes.

  • Consider energy spent by moving.

  • Consider sticking with three main meals, and minimal snacking. 

Let’s work together! This format is something I use and put in place each week with certain clients and would love to help you through it too.

Book your free intro call here to discuss how I can help you lose the weight for good.


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