Q&A - Should I Take Vitex to Boost My Progesterone?

Question: Should I take vitex to boost my progesterone levels naturally?

Answer: Its a great question, and I always recommend first and foremost testing your hormones (we can do this together!) to see if it is a good fix. Even though it is marketed as a ‘hormone balancing supplement’, vitex isn’t always right for everybody.

So for example, I would never recommend vitex for PCOS (vitex can raise LH, which is often elevated in PCOS).

I also wouldn’t recommend it as the very first therapy used for hypothalamic amenorrhea. HA is often associated with low oestrogen as well as progesterone. Some research suggests that vitex may lower excess oestrogen levels and raise progesterone levels. No ovulation means that progesterone isn’t being made from its greatest source. We are not trying to boost progesterone as without ovulation, that is impossible. Vitex could be used in hypothalamic amenorrhea as a secondary supplement to support regular cycles. In hypothalamic amenorrhea, rather focus on oestrogen support, thus encouraging oestrogen. 

However, if you’re not having cycles/bleeds due to high prolactin, vitex can be good option. If you are having PMS symptoms, breast tenderness or a short luteal phase (less than 12 days or so), vitex can be another good option when taken cyclically. This means stopping for 5 days from the first day of your cycle.

Megan Hallett and the content provided are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on meganhallett.com is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your doctor and/ or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, supplement, exercise or other health-related programs.


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