13 Things I Do Everyday as A Naturopathic Nutritionist that Just Make Sense

1. ACV shots before meals. Vinegar is the ultimate tool for flattening glucose curbs. PCOS, cravings, hormonal imbalances - this is a game-changer if well tolerated.

2. making my walks non-negotiable. For mental health, blood sugar support + adrenal friendly movement.

3. Having cacao every day. As a chocoholic, having cacao daily means I am getting in potent antioxidants and still eating the foods I love (fewer cravings!).

4. thinking about protein before anything else. Makes building a blood sugar friendly meal all the more simple.

5. putting frozen broccoli sprouts in my smoothie. For oestrogen detoxification.

6. using tea therapeutically. you're drinking it anyway, might as well make it supportive.

7. Avoid artificial light at night. Supporting melatonin levels in the simplest way.

8. opting for grass-fed beef over conventionally raised. The nutrient profile is worlds apart.

9. Legs on wall. An easy add on for meditation. For lymphatic drainage.

10. Avoid Instagram as much as possible. The more going in, the less useful info I'm able to retain.

11. sleeping 9 hours. So easy, a huge impact on blood sugar + immune health.

12. filtering all my water. A very simple step in healing the gut, yet often overlooked.

13. adding electrolytes to my water first thing. Your mineral balance plays a role in almost every body function.

Megan Hallett and the content provided are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on meganhallett.com is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your doctor and/ or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, supplement, exercise or other health-related programs.


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